Growing Your Business Using Our Community Digital Marketing Strategy.

GET STARTED TODAY FOR FREE by either claiming your existing business listing or by setting up your FREE business listing.

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of membership, learn how easy it is to set up your business profile (for as little as 27 Cents/Day).  

 IAA Better Business Alliance Membership is a small investment with big rewards and includes membership in Accessibility International, and Sustainability International.

The new customers that you desire, want to patronize businesses that operate honestly and ethically and that also care about people and our environment.


IAA Better Business Alliance

Set up your FREE listing TODAY or Become a Charter Member and receive a 50% discount on your membership.

What is the IAA Better Business Alliance?

The IAA Better Business Alliance is an online community of associations, organizations, businesses and individuals, dedicated to operating their businesses in an honest and ethical manner.

What does the IAA Better Business Alliance do?

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Digital Marketing Strategy Innovation


IAA Better Business Alliance membership employs a unique community based Digital Marketing Strategy which helps connect your business to more new customers.

The IAA Better Business Alliance Community makes it easy and inexpensive for your business to use digital marketing and the power of multiple association memberships to build your business.  

Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year, your IAA Better Business Alliance membership allows you to join the associations whose membership will benefit your business, all for one low membership investment.

what,happens,when,a,search,is,done,digital,marketing,strategy,innovation,digital marketing strategy innovation,community based marketing,digitally fueled business growth,better business alliance,digital marketing strategy,accessibility,web accessibility,sustainability

Community Based Marketing


IAA Better Business Alliance membership uses the power of community based digital marketing to connect your business to more new customers.

We all know that the Internet is a wonderful and essential tool for marketing your business.  However it can be frustrating when your small business never places near the top in internet searches.  You’re lost in the crowd, invisible and impossible to find in searches.  How can you hope to compete for customers with large companies with seemingly bottomless marketing budgets?  

The IAA Better Business Alliance Digital Marketing Strategy provides more than one way for your business to be found by new customers and gives them good reasons why they should use your business.  Would you like to be page one on internet searches?  

Choose the IAA BBA program which will give you more than one opportunity to make it to page one of a search.  Your IAA BBA Membership also includes membership in an Industry Association, specific for your business type.  If for example you are a Bed and Breakfast you would be enrolled in the IAA Bed and Breakfast Association. 

Don’t forget, belonging to the IAA BBA also includes membership in Accessibility International and Sustainability International.  The customers that you want to connect with care about people and our environment.  Aren’t these the customers that you want to patronize your business?

what,happens,when,a,search,is,done,digital,marketing,strategy,innovation,digital marketing strategy innovation,community based marketing,digitally fueled business growth,better business alliance,digital marketing strategy,accessibility,web accessibility,sustainability

Digitally Fueled Business Growth


IAA Better Business Alliance membership’s Digital Marketing Community offers the opportunity for your business to connect to more new customers.


Please, if you want more new customers to find your business, learn how the IAA Better Business Alliance can help your business connect with the new customers that you need to grow your business.  

To beat the competition, you have to be creative with your marketing.  Our Digital Marketing Strategy gives potential customers more and unique ways to find your business.

Reject Failure, Choose Success.


What is a favicon and why should your brand have one?

Humans are wired for visual content. In fact, over 80% of the information that the human brain stores is visual. Giving viewers visual-based content gives them a medium that their brains are designed to save and is a perfect way to establish your brand. One simple way...

You Need to Know How Using Social Media Has Changed

Social Media Changes You Need to Make in a Coronavirus World   The Pandemic has turned our world upside down.  It's already hard to remember how we conducted our lives and businesses just a few short weeks ago.  We're all asking many questions.  How can we stay...

How to Bring Discipline to Your Sustainability Initiatives *

Why Your Business Should Embrace Sustainability   Sustainability has become a part of life for many companies.  For many, it’s simply a matter of meeting demands from customers seeking socially responsible goods and services.  For others, it’s about...

Generating leads for your business using keyword domain names

Generating leads is a necessary part of any business. You need customers in order to stay in business. There are plenty of ways to go about this, but one simple way is with keyword domain names, an effective tactic that very few entrepreneurs take advantage of....

Create Stories That Engage People and Move Them to Act

Create Stories That Engage and Educate Do you use stories to engage and educate your audience?  Would you like to see how powerful stories can be?This article should help you discover how to create stories for your business that move people to act.  One of...

Is Your Company Customer Focused or Operations Focused *

Is Your Business, Customer or Operations Focused?     Give Your Customer's a Great Experience   Do you understand what it takes for your company to give customers a great customer service experience?  It takes a lot of effort to create the...

You Need to Know if Your Customer Experience Costs You P

Your Business Needs an Amazing User Experience to Thrive   In a hyper competitive digital marketing world does your User Experience cost you money?  For your business to not only survive, but to thrive you must have a proactive digital Customer Experience.  Your...

Website Terminology Glossary: Hosting, Vol. 1 P

When you’re hustling, time is money and that money comes in coins, not bills. It’s why we made our Website Terminology Glossary for web pros. This free resource for designers, developers, marketers or anyone else makes it easier explaining technical stuff to clients....

14 questions to ask before designing your web site P

There was a time, early in my freelance days, when I gleefully accepted any client who came a-knockin’ at my door — no client screening or preliminary fact-finding recon necessary. However, I quickly learned that it pays to be selective, and moved to using a rigorous...

What Is Workflow Software? Everything You Need to Know

Are you or your organization losing valuable productivity to repetitive, error-ridden, manual processes?  Perhaps you often find yourself…  filling out the same information over and over again across multiple documents; emailing back and forth to correct errors,...

How Email Makes Your Content the Digital Marketing King! *

Email Helps Make Your Content King!  Email Energizes Your Content Marketing Strategy   A dedicated digital marketer will send out an email marketing campaign or work on a content piece for future Email Marketing while they wait for their coffee to...

How to Improve your email open rates

5 minute marketing strategies are brought to you by our Founder, award-winning ethical marketing strategist Sian Conway. Read and implement them on your coffee break to get better results from your marketing with these easy, proven tips! Easy ways to get more emails...

You See How to Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

How Social Media Marketing Raises Brand Awareness is Amazing   Have you ever wondered about social media marketing's effectiveness?  Many businesses dive hard into social media.  Their obvious hope is to increase brand awareness and convince more...

Your Complete Guide to Content Search Engine Optimization *

Embrace Content Optimization This is your guide on how to optimize your content for SEO and Links.  Content marketing has already solidified its stature as a powerhouse in the digital marketing realm.  Now it's time to actually get all the help you can out...

Social Media Optimization Energizes Your Digital Marketing P

What is Social Media Optimization?   Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the use of a number of outlets and communities to generate publicity.  Doing this increases the search awareness of a product, service brand or event.  This raises it’s potential exposure in...

Build a strong digital presence with a .online domain name

People are searching for local businesses and small businesses — just like yours — online. If they cannot find you there, then it’s a missed opportunity on your end, almost like having a “Closed” sign in front of your store. Fix that with a .online domain name. For...

What’s New in Websites + Marketing?

Editor’s note: GoDaddy GoCentral Website Builder is now Websites + Marketing — an all-in-one solution that integrates websites, digital marketing tools for your business and eCommerce tools with the guidance needed to achieve success. Every month, we create a list of...

How Can You Personalize and Drive Your Social Media? *

Why Being Personable Is the Key to Your Social Media Success   There are many things on Social Media that successful brands do right.  Or at least differently than others.  Those that succeed find their own unique path to success.  The one thing they...

7 Process Improvement Steps to Streamline Your Business P

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The same goes for your business and the processes within it. If one process within your business is lagging, it can have a knock-on effect all the way down the chain. Take onboarding, for example. If your delivery firm is...

How to support local businesses in the new normal

This article originally published on GoDaddy’s OpenWeStand.org website. Small businesses across the country have been drastically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Coronavirus Impact Poll, 70% of small...

Why you should take security advice from your grandmother

Why you should take security advice from your grandmother     We tend to accept that younger folks are supposed to be more tech savvy, given they’ve grown up with computers and the Internet pretty much their whole lives. If you go back about 15 or so years, a lot...

Why Does Your Amazing Customer Experience Seem Boring?

This post is shared from one of my favorite customer service gurus Shep Hyken, author of the The Shepard Letter A BORING CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE—THAT’S WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS WANT                   Call me boring, but I...

20+ Ways Your Business Benefits From Using Social Media

How Can Social Media Benefit Your Business?   It's hard to believe that today more than 3 billion people use social networks around the globe.  Many companies are using social to engage people with their brands.  Sherpa Marketing discovered that more...

How to Create an Automated Workflow Without Coding

Every organization has its own set of workflows for everyday tasks. These workflows used to rely on paper forms, ledgers, and inter-office memos. Most teams have now “progressed” to using Excel and email. While it’s better than physical paper, email-based workflows...

Create eye-catching content with Over by GoDaddy

When it comes to driving growth online, small business owners know that simply “being there” isn’t enough. They need to get noticed and keep customers’ attention — whether that’s on social media, a website or in an email. But finding the time and tools to create a...

Changes coming to Google Search in June 2021 P

  Starting in mid-June through August, Google will be bringing page experience to Google Search. Things that make a website great to use — like page speed, stability, and mobile-friendliness — will be playing a contributing factor in how your website ranks on...

Can You Name Ten Reasons Your Customers Do Business With You *

Can You Give Me Ten Reasons to do Business With You?   It's a very valid question that you should ask yourself.  Can you give me ten reasons I should do business with you or your company?  I’m talking about good reasons that have substance and are...

Design Principles: What, Why, and How

This article originally published on Media Temple’s blog. If 2020 has proved anything, it’s that we work in a world of constant disruption. Whether it comes from a new technology or a worldwide pandemic, Heraclitus was right: “Change is the only constant.” So, how do...

7 Easy Steps to Starting Your Own Blog P

This post was originally published on Jan. 20, 2016, and was updated on May 2, 2017, Jan. 10, 2018, Nov. 28, 2018, Jan. 7, 2020, and Feb. 17, 2021. When I started blogging in 2009, the market wasn’t quite as saturated with blogs as it is today. There also weren’t as...

The Formstack Alternative: When Your Business Needs More

At its core, Formstack is a drag-and-drop form builder with optional, add-on features. It’s great for basic use cases and workflows involving a form. Organizing an event and need to create a form for registrations and payments? Formstack has you covered. Setting up a...

How to Build Your Online Brand Reputation and Credibility P

How to Manage Your Online Reputation   What is reputation management?  Reputation management is usually defined as the power to influence and control your reputation as viewed by others.  This was originally a term associated with public relations.   How to...

How to Get Awesome Results Writing a Blog Series

Why Should You Write a Series for Your Blog?   Have you ever written a series of posts for your blog?  That's a set of posts about the same topic which you purposely linked together.  If you haven't, writing a series for your blog could be a great...

Tips to Help You Manage Your Email P

The post Tips to Help You Manage Your Email appeared first on ProBlogger.   This post is based on episode 147 of the ProBlogger podcast. Is email starting to suck up all your time? Dealing with emails can be a challenge at the best of times. But when you have a...

Use great content to improve membership conversion rates *

If you want to convert more website visitors into new members for your membership website, or any type of subscription website, write compelling copy. Emotional copy twists heartstrings, just think eharmony.com.  Or tap into the benefits that new members receive from...

Combine Your Text and Visual Content for Social Engagement

How Can You Improve Your Social Media Engagement?   Do you keep text and image updates separate in your content?  Have you considered how text and visual content complement each other and actually work well to get your message across? Pairing visual content with...

How HR Technology Improves Your Recruitment Process

By 2030, the global talent shortage is expected to amount to 85 million people – or some $8.5 trillion in lost annual revenue. It’s no surprise recruitment has become so competitive. Meanwhile, 40% of the workforce in the U.S. changes jobs annually. Which makes it...

Ensure That Sustainability is Part of Your Business Plan

Inject Sustainability into Your Business Plan Sustainability will be handled differently for different companies.  Whether your company is a startup or an established company reevaluating your business plans matters.  You need to identify what the source of the...

How to Use Twitter Chats for Your Business

Twitter chats are an underutilized social media tool for businesses to communicate with their followers and audience, share knowledge and strategies — all while promoting their brand. If you’ve seen a Twitter chat on your feed but never ventured into this virtual...

Build and use your ideal customer profile and personas

One of the first questions that a marketing or business consultant will ask you is, “What is your target market? Have you developed an ideal customer profile? Who are your personas?” If you haven’t defined them yet, you’ll probably hop to Google to figure it out. But...

How to Make Your Content Amazing by Analyzing It

We All Feel That Our Content Matters   As we write our Blog posts, articles and other web content we do so with one thing in the back of our minds.  Admit it, we all worry because everything we produce will be ranked by GOOGLE!  Whether our content...

You Need to Know How Texts Will Improve Your User Experience

Improve Your Customer Experience with SMS   SMS or short message service is the text messaging component used by most mobile telephone, internet, and mobile-device systems marketers.  Texting provides marketers with a reliable method to engage our...

How to Communicate and Market During the COVID-19 Crisis P

How do you market your business on social media during Covid-19? It’s a tough question that we don’t have all the answers for. But as people around the world are adjusting to the new normal of social distancing, small business owners and social media managers are...

SEO is Central to Your Digital Marketing Strategy *

Why Search Optimization is Vital   What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) determines the amount of online visibility which your website or a web page will garner in an organic search results.  An organic search...

Opt-in Email’s Build Your Digital Marketing Strategy Lists *

What is Opt-in Email?   Opt-in email  is a term used when someone is given the option to receive email.  Typically, this is some kind of mailing list, newsletter, or advertising.  Without obtaining permission before sending email, the email is unsolicited bulk...

Expand your global reach using country-specific domain names

If you’re an entrepreneur with an online business, you know there could be thousands – maybe even millions – of people in other countries who may be interested in your products or services. In this article, you’ll learn how to use country-specific domain names, giving...

How to Structure Your Blog Posts with Subheadings

The post How to Structure Your Blog Posts with Subheadings appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 132 of the ProBlogger podcast. I’m willing to bet that every blog post you’ve ever written has a main heading at the top. (If you use WordPress, it’s...

How to be Productive and Decrease Your Time on Social Media

How to Keep Social Media From Sucking Up all of Your Time As bloggers, social media is a key tool for promoting our blogs.  Social media helps us to grow our blogs.  Social media allows us to interact with our readers.  Social Media gives us the...

How Mobile Messaging Can Engage Your Customers P

How Can Your Mobile Messaging Increase Customer Engagement?   Mobile Messaging is designed to capitalize on the opt-in email lists developed by your brand’s landing page call-to-actions.  Your visitor lists help you establish an ongoing relationship with your...

7 Common Pinterest myths debunked

Today I want to take a look at 7 of the most common rumors that float around regarding Pinterest and determine the truth about them.  You might have heard and believed these to be true, however we are dismantling them, so that you can continue to create great content...

Meta tags and the head section matter to your website P

This post was originally published on Aug. 26, 2015, and was updated on August 1, 2019 and April 5, 2021. One key component of every web page — every well-optimized web page, that is — is the meta tags. These are the parts of the webpage that tell Google and other...

How to Build a Culture of Community on Your Blog

How to Build a CULTURE of Community Let me start by repeating the advice I gave last week that building community and reader interaction on a blog takes time. It won’t happen over night but develops day by day. It is also something that YOU need to take the lead in as...

How to Build Your Online Brand Reputation and Credibility

How to Manage Your Online Reputation   What is reputation management?  Reputation is usually defined as the power to influence and control your reputation as viewed by others.  This was originally a term associated with public relations.   How to...

Getting started with Microsoft’s Digital Marketing Center

Over the past few months, Microsoft Advertising has been piloting an exciting new platform, Microsoft’s Digital Marketing Center, a Microsoft Garage project. This platform is a way to help small and medium-sized business owners manage their digital marketing across...

How to Create a Content Calendar for Your Blog P

The post How to Create a Content Calendar for Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 76 of the ProBlogger podcast. Can you believe we’re halfway through January already? Perhaps it’s because we were so keen to see the end of 2020. But...

Why updating your website matters for making sales P

This post was originally published on July 31, 2018, and was updated on March 4, 2020 and February 1, 2021. Many entrepreneurs might find themselves getting comfortable after their website has been created, with the misguided understanding that it will take care of...

4 ways to localize your WordPress website with Weglot

Editor’s note: The following is a guest post from our friends at Weglot. Localizing your WordPress website can help you increase its visibility, improve usability, and help you reach out to new markets. The good news is that there are a number of ways you can localize...

You See How Your Core Values Make Amazing Decision Filters

Are Strong Core Values Central to Your Company Culture?   Core values are what your organization believes in and stands for.  Core values are the principles and beliefs that guide an organization and it's employees.  Many organizations’ core values...

6 Reasons Why You Need to Add a Newsletter to Your Blog

No Questions Asked Your Newsletter Builds Credibility   Do you regularly email your blogs readers?  Perhaps ‘setting up an email newsletter’ is on your list to do someday, but still haven’t done it.  Do you have a newsletter list, but you haven’t sent...

How to Promote Your Amazing Blog Using Guest Blogging

How to Promote Your Amazing Blog Using Guest Posting   Welcome to our sixth and final post in our series, "How to Promote Your Blog."  This series is especially focused on how to promote your blog to new readers if you are just starting out.  ...

The best free WooCommerce extensions and plugins

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on June 16, 2017 and updated on August 26, 2020. Looking for an easy way to build your next WooCommerce store? Check out our WordPress Ecommerce Hosting plans, powered by WooCommerce. They include 40+ premium...

11 Quick Tips for Writing Compelling Blog Posts P

  Today, I am going to give you 11 quick tips for writing compelling blog posts. To make sure your blog posts are really interesting you need to get attention and maintain interest. To maintain your interest, I’ve kept this article short and sharp while also...

You Need to Know How to Write an Introduction That Engages P

Write Your Blog Post Introduction   Your Blog Post introduction is your invitation to your readers.  Here is where you express “We Want You” to your readers and invite them to read your post.   Some bloggers prefer to write the rest of the post first and then...

Opt-in Email’s Build Your Digital Marketing Strategy Lists

What is Opt-in Email?   Opt-in email  is a term used when someone is given the option to receive email.  Typically, this is some kind of mailing list, newsletter, or advertising.  Without obtaining permission before sending email, the email is...

4 steps to develop your website strategy *

  A website is good for business. But, a strategic website that aligns with your business and marketing goals is great for business. Whether you are getting ready to launch a website or you already have an existing site, your business needs to develop a website...

Advanced ecommerce features to consider for your online store

Starting an online store is just the beginning. Once you get into the groove of marketing your store and handling orders, it’s time to consider adding advanced ecommerce features, so you can sell more products and increase your profits. In this post, we’re going to...

Optimize Your Content for Googles Featured Snippet Box

How to Optimize Your Content for Google's Featured Snippet Box What is a Featured Snippet? A Featured Snippet is shown in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs).  Usually when a question-based query is being searched for.  The snippet displays content from...

How to Promote Your Amazing Blog Using Advertising

Have You Thought About Advertising Your Amazing Blog?   Have you ever considered advertising your amazing blog?  Today I want to explore this as part of my series of posts on How to Promote Your Blog. Most blog promotion tips are about growing your...

Showcasing businesses and exceeding goals

Foster Coburn is the mind behind Unleashed Productions, Inc., specializing in web design and graphics solutions. You can find Unleashed Productions on Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube. Connect with Foster on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Tell us about yourself. Who...

7 ways to start your 2021 business planning

Whether you’re ready or not, it’s time to start your business planning for 2021. Even if you’re a one-person business, don’t underestimate the importance of having a business plan for the next year to help guide your decisions and keep you on track, especially as we...

Webform security best practices for small businesses

As a small business owner or manager, you are responsible for your customers’ email addresses, phone numbers and billing addresses the second they type the information into a form on your website. This type of data — known as personally identifiable information (PII)...

Tips for partnering with other local businesses P

This post was originally published on Nov. 29, 2016, and was updated on March 10, 2021. In the wild world of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get caught up in the chase of customers and dollars. Everyone is ready and willing to tell you what ads you should be running or...

Building a server — home server or hosted server?

In our current age of increasing automation and the need for secure and reliable data storage, there’s a case to be made for building your own server. Nowadays, the barrier to entry on building a server is lower than ever. However, that being said, you do need a bit...

How 35,000 micro businesses helped Gilbert, Arizona

As a 12-year-old, Jenn Daniels taught herself bookkeeping so she could help her father run his tool-and-die shop. Nearly 30 years later, she uses those skills as part of a side business she runs out of her Gilbert, Arizona, living room helping entrepreneurs navigate...

Building Your Brand Should Be Your Social Media Focus

Build Your Brand Using Social Media   Branding is at the very core of everything you do to build your business.  You're building your BRAND.  No matter how or where you spread the word about your business, your focus should be on creating a targeted...

Create a great content marketing strategy in 7 easy steps *

We are often asked how to create a content marketing strategy and plan. Some people assume we’re holding onto special tricks or the ever-elusive yet way-over-hyped “content marketing secret sauce.” The truth is there are no secrets to creating a content marketing...

How you can increase your average order value

When you have an ecommerce store you are always looking for new ways to convert customers and increase your average order value (AOV). Your AOV is pretty much what it states, the average order value of all the orders placed in your store. By increasing your AOV you...

How HR Technology Improves Your Recruitment Process

By 2030, the global talent shortage is expected to amount to 85 million people – or some $8.5 trillion in lost annual revenue. It’s no surprise recruitment has become so competitive. Meanwhile, 40% of the workforce in the U.S. changes jobs annually. Which makes it...

A beginner’s guide to planning a side hustle

This post was originally published on Feb. 9, 2018, and was updated on June 6, 2019 and Sept. 8, 2020. Sadly, it’s rare to find a day job that is both fulfilling and pays well. Add the current economic insecurity on top of that and you might have a sinking feeling in...

How Your Core Values are Key to Your User Experience *

Core Values are Key to Your User Experience   I’ve been thinking a lot about “core values.”   I realized this is a concept worthy of a short article, just to get you thinking about you and your company’s core values.   Your Customer Experience Reflects Your...

How Does Keyword Intent Drive Your Visitor Searches? *

Learn How Keyword Intent Can Boost Your Conversion Rate   What is Keyword Intent?   Keyword intent is a representation of the user’s purpose for the search.  It’s what we think the user is likely to do during a search since we can't be sure.  Keyword...

How Anyone Can Get Started Publishing Their Own eBooks

Is Publishing an eBook in Your Future?   Have you ever considered publishing your own eBook?  Do you wonder how publishing eBooks could help you?  Do you have experiences that could teach others? If you own either a 'bricks and mortar' or an 'online' business,...

How micro-businesses have blunted the economic impact of COVID-19

Digital businesses  — from part-time side hustles selling homemade jewelry to local restaurants that started fulfilling orders online during the pandemic — have helped U.S. communities weather the economic storm caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Orders placed on such...

You Can Make Managing Employee Time-Off Requests Easier P

Employees that take vacations are more motivated and produce better quality work. It seems smart, then, to encourage your team to take days off to recuperate.  However, 6 out of 10 workers don’t feel like their employer encourages them to take time off. While there...

Improve Your Search Rankings Using Google Search Console *

Improve Your Search Rankings with Google Search Console   You want to constantly improve your search rankings for your content.  Because the higher your content ranks, the more traffic you get.  The more traffic you get, the more revenue you generate...

Why Your Content Marketing Needs to be Snackable *

Make Your Content More Snackable   We're no longer the family of the 1950's and 1960's all gathered around a single TV set for our news and entertainment.  Those days are long gone, and our new reality is so much different. Today everyones's attention...

5 post-pandemic business ideas fill needs

  The COVID-19 pandemic have been devastating. From health concerns to the economic downturn, we experienced it all. Luckily, as vaccines continue to roll out and the world starts to normalize again, a plethora of business ideas for post-pandemic opportunities...

How To Write Killer Blog Headlines That Benefit Your Readers

It's Hard to Define a Good Blog Headline   It's not easy to define what makes a good blog headline.  However, you know it when you see it, because it grabs your attention.  Your blog headline has to grab your audiences attention.  The competition for...

What’s new in Websites and Marketing

Social distancing is in, and so is creating dynamic and engaging websites. If people can’t visit you in person, at least they can visit you online and interact with you on social media. The Websites + Marketing and Online Store teams continue to roll out new features,...

5 marketing lessons from businesses thriving during COVID-19

The COVID-19 global pandemic caused dramatic shifts in the way we do business. But those changes aren’t all negatives. In fact, there are a few marketing lessons you can walk away with as a result. As Bob Liodice, CEO of the Association of National Advertisers (ANA),...

7 pricing strategies to help you make a profit *

  This article was originally published on May 27, 2019, and updated on April 28, 2021. Knowing how to price products might seem simple, like just another task to accomplish for a business owner in the development phase. However, pricing a product is more than...

How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Amazing Content

LinkedIn is the Largest International Business Network   LinkedIn, with over 500 million members, is the largest international business network.  LinkedIn's 820 million page views each day, allow it's users to connect, contact, and network with your...

Memorable Remarkable and Relatable Word of Mouth Marketing *

Word of Mouth Marketing Defined   According to the Business Dictionary, Word of Mouth Marketing is:   "An oral or written recommendation made by a satisfied customer to the prospective customers of a good or service.  Considered to be the most...

How to Decide Where to Spend Your Blogging Time

The post How to Decide Where to Spend Your Blogging Time appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 65 of the ProBlogger podcast. A lot of people ask me how I manage to fit everything in – blogging, social media, speaking appearances, product...

How and why you should prioritize clients during a crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided countless lessons in customer service. Many companies have risen to the challenge of this “new normal” by prioritizing clients, while others have crumbled, generating bad reviews and anger on social media. One thing has become clear:...

Practically Green Changes Employee Behavior Via Video Games *

An Epiphany Led to Using Games for Training   Several years ago, Susan Hunt Stevens had an epiphany. "I had all these light bulbs go off in my head" about Web-based ways to help people reach their sustainability goals, the CEO of Practically...

How to create a customer care plan *

  What is a customer care plan? Customer care may sound similar to customer service, but the two are completely different aspects of running a successful website design or development business. Customer service refers to the support you provide your customers and...

Securing Your Online Store for the Holidays

Shopping season is here, and so is the opportunity for ecommerce site owners to grow their business and generate profit. With the shifting global ecommerce climate produced by the recent pandemic, comes the ever growing importance of securing your website to protect...

Your Customer Surveys are the New End to the Work You do P

It’s Amazing What Comes Up in a Conversation About Customers   I was at a Winter Park Bloggers & Social Media Meetup and while waiting for the program to begin was chatting with several other members.  Being business owners we were discussing customer service...

How to do Great Business Prospecting on Linkedin

LinkedIn is a Prospecting Goldmine   LinkedIn is a gold mine of prospect information for sales and outreach, but the platform is so vast, it can be hard to know where to begin. It can also be daunting if you prefer a low-key approach and don’t want to...

9 Royalty Free Music Sites to Enhance Your Videos *

Royalty Free Music for Your Video Soundtracks   As your marketing grows in sophistication, it's not a huge leap to embrace video marketing to advance your brand.  Selecting the right music for your video soundtrack may seem like a huge challenge.  ...
Copywriting Tips for Your Small Business

Copywriting Tips for Your Small Business

  1. Focus on Benefits: When writing copy for your small business, it’s important to focus on the benefits to the customer rather than just listing the features of your product or service. Customers want to know how your business will make their life easier, less...

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Pinterest vs Instagram for Marketing Your Business

PINTEREST VS INSTAGRAM FOR MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS PLATFORM USERS As of Q4 in 2021, Pinterest had 444 million monthly active users worldwide, with 89 million from the U.S. Pew Research found that Pinterest ranked fourth in audience size after YouTube, Facebook and...

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How to Build a Culture of Community on Your Blog

How to Build a Culture of Community on Your Blog

How to Build a CULTURE of Community Let me start by repeating the advice I gave last week that building community and reader interaction on a blog takes time. It won’t happen over night but develops day by day. It is also something that YOU need to take the lead in as...

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What happens when a search is done?

When someone does an internet search they use a search engine, either Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo or one of the others.  

Google is the most widely used search and two of Google’s top ranking factors for any website are LINKS and  CONTENT.  

Let’s examine each factor, see how it affects your website, and how IAA Better Business Alliance membership will help your business stand out and be found by new customers eager to use your business.

Search Engines Love Links

Most businesses, including yours fall within the seven leisure categories of Stay, Dining, Play, Events, Exploring, Shopping and Services.  The IAA Better Business Alliance’s Community of websites help your business to connect with the customers who are interested in one or more of these categories.  Let’s look at how this works if your business is a Bed & Breakfast.  

Customers you want to connect to could be visiting your area because of activities, destinations, or services which are close to your Bed & Breakfast.  Your business profile on the BBA website and our community of websites allows you to establish links back to your site from the activities, destinations and services near your business.  By helping potential customers satisfy their “needs” you give search engines many new ways to help customers find your business.

  • STAY     For Example, if your business is a Bed & Breakfast, then the STAY category would be your              PRIMARY category.

  • DINING     If your B & B has an onsite restaurant your business could also belong in the DINING category.

  • PLAY    Your B & B business may be close to activities like whitewater kayaking which would give you a listing in the PLAY category.

  • EVENTS      Your B & B may also host meetings, weddings or elopements so your business would also belong in the Events category.

  • EXPLORING     If your business is close to natural or historic sites, this could mean a listing in the EXPLORING category.  

  • SHOPPING    Proximity to terrific Flea / Farmers Markets or Outlet Malls would include your B & B business in the SHOPPING category.  

  • SERVICES     Providing catering for Events would mean that you should include your B & B business in the SERVICES category.

Search Engines Love Links!

As you can see it could be quite easy to develop a wide variety of LINKS feeding back to your website that would have a high relevance to your site.  Each Link provides an additional path by which a search could find your website.  

An added bonus for you is that search engines love links and rank your website according to the number and relevance of the other websites linking back to your site.  

Membership in the Better Business Alliance and your membership in the associations, alliances, and organization members of the BBA provides you with a unique, innovative and honest method to control and develop links that search engines love when they rank your business website in their searches.

Search Engines Love Content!

Content Marketing is king when it comes to any Digital Marketing Strategy.  It’s central to your Digital Marketing and is a crucial element of everything you do.  Your content needs to be unique, authentic and quality while also being interesting, useful and entertaining for consumers.  What makes content king?.  

Here are 5 reasons why is content king!

  • Good Content is Great for Search Engine Optimization
  • Good Content Encourages Customer Engagement
  • Good Content Generates Leads and Sales
  • Good Content Increases the Value of Your Product / Services
  • Good Content Increases Traffic

Can you afford 27 Cents / Day to make your Digital Marketing Strategy Better?

Your business profile on the IAA Better Business Alliance website and our community of websites allows you to establish links back to your site from the activities, destinations and services near your business.  By helping potential customers satisfy their “needs” you give search engines many new ways to help customers find your business.  For as little as 27 cents / day, you can make your Digital Marketing Strategy work better.

Membership in the IAA Better Business Alliance, is an inexpensive and unique way to help new customers find your business.  

IAA Better Business Alliance Membership is a small investment with big rewards and includes membership in Accessibility International, and Sustainability International.

The new customers that you desire, want to patronize businesses that operate honestly and ethically and that care about people and our environment.

Get started for FREE, set up your IAA Better Business Alliance profile TODAY.

IAA Better Business Alliance

Set up your FREE profile TODAY or Become a Charter Member and receive a 50% discount on your membership.

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