Growing Your Business Using Our Community Digital Marketing Strategy.

GET STARTED TODAY FOR FREE by either claiming your existing business listing or by setting up your FREE business listing.

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of membership, learn how easy it is to set up your business profile (for as little as 27 Cents/Day).  

 IAA Better Business Alliance Membership is a small investment with big rewards and includes membership in Accessibility International, and Sustainability International.

The new customers that you desire, want to patronize businesses that operate honestly and ethically and that also care about people and our environment.


IAA Better Business Alliance

Set up your FREE listing TODAY or Become a Charter Member and receive a 50% discount on your membership.

What is the IAA Better Business Alliance?

The IAA Better Business Alliance is an online community of associations, organizations, businesses and individuals, dedicated to operating their businesses in an honest and ethical manner.

What does the IAA Better Business Alliance do?

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Digital Marketing Strategy Innovation


IAA Better Business Alliance membership employs a unique community based Digital Marketing Strategy which helps connect your business to more new customers.

The IAA Better Business Alliance Community makes it easy and inexpensive for your business to use digital marketing and the power of multiple association memberships to build your business.  

Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year, your IAA Better Business Alliance membership allows you to join the associations whose membership will benefit your business, all for one low membership investment.

what,happens,when,a,search,is,done,digital,marketing,strategy,innovation,digital marketing strategy innovation,community based marketing,digitally fueled business growth,better business alliance,digital marketing strategy,accessibility,web accessibility,sustainability

Community Based Marketing


IAA Better Business Alliance membership uses the power of community based digital marketing to connect your business to more new customers.

We all know that the Internet is a wonderful and essential tool for marketing your business.  However it can be frustrating when your small business never places near the top in internet searches.  You’re lost in the crowd, invisible and impossible to find in searches.  How can you hope to compete for customers with large companies with seemingly bottomless marketing budgets?  

The IAA Better Business Alliance Digital Marketing Strategy provides more than one way for your business to be found by new customers and gives them good reasons why they should use your business.  Would you like to be page one on internet searches?  

Choose the IAA BBA program which will give you more than one opportunity to make it to page one of a search.  Your IAA BBA Membership also includes membership in an Industry Association, specific for your business type.  If for example you are a Bed and Breakfast you would be enrolled in the IAA Bed and Breakfast Association. 

Don’t forget, belonging to the IAA BBA also includes membership in Accessibility International and Sustainability International.  The customers that you want to connect with care about people and our environment.  Aren’t these the customers that you want to patronize your business?

what,happens,when,a,search,is,done,digital,marketing,strategy,innovation,digital marketing strategy innovation,community based marketing,digitally fueled business growth,better business alliance,digital marketing strategy,accessibility,web accessibility,sustainability

Digitally Fueled Business Growth


IAA Better Business Alliance membership’s Digital Marketing Community offers the opportunity for your business to connect to more new customers.


Please, if you want more new customers to find your business, learn how the IAA Better Business Alliance can help your business connect with the new customers that you need to grow your business.  

To beat the competition, you have to be creative with your marketing.  Our Digital Marketing Strategy gives potential customers more and unique ways to find your business.

Reject Failure, Choose Success.


8 ways to get more product reviews *

  This post was originally published on Aug. 2, 2019, and was updated on April 14, 2021. If you want to generate interest in your products and attract more customers, there is something your brand needs to learn how to do: generate reviews. Reviews are essential...

Generating leads for your business using keyword domain names

Generating leads is a necessary part of any business. You need customers in order to stay in business. There are plenty of ways to go about this, but one simple way is with keyword domain names, an effective tactic that very few entrepreneurs take advantage of....

Is Your Company Customer Focused or Operations Focused P

Is Your Business, Customer or Operations Focused?     Give Your Customer’s a Great Experience   Do you understand what it takes for your company to give customers a great customer service experience?  It takes a lot of effort to create the business...

5 ways you can make money podcasting

This post was originally published on Dec. 20, 2018, and was updated on Oct. 29, 2020. For the past few years, podcasting has seen a phenomenal surge in growth. More and more people are starting their first podcast, whether it’s a platform to share a personal passion,...

Why Your Web Content Must be Written Clearly and Simply

Is it Possible to Write “Clearly and Simply”?   The task of writing clearly and simply has never been either clear or simple.  In fact, it can be one of the most difficult of all writing tasks.  Clear and simple writing is an art to which many aspire and few...

How Your Great Blog Post Topic Engages Your Visitors

Select a Blog Topic That Will Interest Your Readers   My first step in writing a blog post is pretty logical.  I select a topic which I feel will engage and inform my readers.  I presently write three blogs to cover my areas of interest.  The Better...

10 social media mistakes and how to avoid them

To err is human, and behind every great business social media presence is a human (or several). We all make mistakes, and the same is true with social media management. However, while a hashtag typo or an incorrect link can (and likely will) happen as you market your...

Webinar Series: eCommerce done right

With businesses all over the world rushing to start selling online, eCommerce is more important than ever. In our recent GoDaddy Pro webinar series, WooCommerce 101, we partnered with Gareth Allison and Jonathan Wold from WooCommerce to give a basic introduction to...

3 low-cost marketing trends for the new normal

This article originally published on GoDaddy’s OpenWeStand.org website. COVID-19 has changed how we live, work and relate. In the small business world, it’s no different. With social distancing measures still in place, brands have downsized or completely scaled back...

How to Manage the 7 Most Common Procurement Risks

In life or in business, risk-taking has benefits and may even be an essential ingredient of success. Quite the opposite when it comes to procurement – the last thing you want is risk. A smoothly-functioning procurement process means standardized, reliable...

How Anyone Can Get Started Publishing Their Own eBooks

Is Publishing an eBook in Your Future?   Have you ever considered publishing your own eBook?  Do you wonder how publishing eBooks could help you?  Do you have experiences that could teach others? If you own either a 'bricks and mortar' or an 'online' business,...

How to Go Paperless in the Office P

Organizations depend on paperwork for various functions, from filing purchase orders to onboarding new hires and beyond. But paper-based processes are incredibly inefficient -- they impede productivity, result in higher costs, and even pose security risks. That...

Make Your Customer Bill of Rights Your Customer Experience *

Why You Need a Customer Bill of Rights Your company "Creed" is a brand promise that is simple, concise and easily understood by both employees and customers.  A Brand Promise lays out generally what customers can expect when they deal with your...

How to Automate Your School Purchase Orders

With many approval stages — often including district board approval — badly managed purchase orders can take weeks or even months to process. Teachers can become frustrated and take matters into their own hands to get the tools they need to provide learners with a...

Why you should not delete pins on Pinterest *

  SHOULD YOU DELETE PINS ON PINTEREST? Every so often posts circulate about how deleting your older pins on Pinterest, those with little to no repins, could actually boost your follower numbers. These posts create a frenzy among some Pinterest users, sending them...

How Content Blogging for Your Business Can Improve Sales

How Great Content Can Improve Your Sales   Blogging is about teaching people who are interested in your industry.  It's important for your business to be better at teaching than everyone else in the world.  You need a strategy which possesses a...

Get Your Site Properly Indexed by Google in Ten Easy Steps

If Google Doesn’t Index Your Site, You’re Invisible   If Google doesn’t index your website, then you’re pretty much invisible.  To the rest of the world your site doesn’t even exist.  You won’t show up in any search queries, and you have almost no chance of...

Email is the Foundation of Your Digital Marketing Strategy *

Why Doesn't Email Get the Respect it Deserves?   You can build your Brand using Landing Pages, Email, Social Media, Blogs and apps as part of your successful Digital Marketing Strategy.  Of the items mentioned, do you know what is the most overlooked...

8 Reasons Why You Should Add a Newsletter to Your Blog

How Can a Newsletter Grow Your Blog Community?   When thinking about using a newsletter to build my email list for marketing there are many questions I asked myself about it's effectiveness. My questions about newsletters as a viable medium for marketing include:...

Introducing Pro Product Cheat Sheets

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021! The past year was definitely a memorable one. As increasing numbers of businesses turn to online store solutions, e-commerce sales have reached record highs. And there’s no denying that this has led to astronomical growth in the website...

GDPR Web Accessibility Advice to Succeed in the EU

Practical GDPR Advice for US Business Compliance   Many of our resort clients serve customers based in the EU. Therefore we’ve been addressing these issues over the past few months, and I thought I’d share some practical advice for all.  To back up, the General Data...

3 Types of Customers Who Will RAVE About Your Business

3 Types of Customers Will Talk About Your Business, While 1 Type Never Will   Have you ever wondered why some companies consistently earn free publicity from customers who gush about them?  While many brands exist in relative obscurity wishing that...

How Does Your Digital Marketing Strategy Find Your Audience? *

Are You Targeting the Wrong Audience?     What Is Your Target Audience? With a market full of customers you need to determine the target audience for your business.  When you market your business, the biggest mistake you could make is thinking...

7 marketing tactics that embrace content entrepreneurship

  There's a common catch phrase that most of us are aware of.  “If you write it, they will come.”  Too bad that's not always the case.  This is especially true if your goal is to move beyond blogging to content entrepreneurship Bloggers who embrace content...

5 reasons to advertise with Google AdWords

One of the biggest challenges for businesses is getting their website in front of customers. Search engine optimization can be tricky for new business owners, and launching ad campaigns on the wrong platforms can burn money quickly. How can marketers ensure that their...

7 BPM Best Practices You Can’t Ignore P

Whether you’re managing them or not, every business has processes. The problem is that if you’re not taking control over how you manage those processes, you won’t be able to spot the blockages in your pipelines. The result? Extra costs, unexplained delays, and...

How to publish your posts directly to Instagram P

When it comes to succeeding online, small business owners know it takes more than a website to grow. They need to be where their customers are – whether that be on social media or in their inboxes. But being everywhere takes time, especially when trying to manage and...

How to Promote Your Amazing Blog Using Guest Blogging

How to Promote Your Amazing Blog Using Guest Posting   Welcome to our sixth and final post in our series, "How to Promote Your Blog."  This series is especially focused on how to promote your blog to new readers if you are just starting out.  ...

5 key areas to cover in a business plan’s financial projections

Drafting the financial projections within a business plan takes a bit of time and data referral to properly detail information as it pertains to your startup’s finances. Are you unfamiliar with what it means to cover your business plan’s financial projections? We’re...

How These 7 Amazing Strategies Help Your Blog Succeed

How Your Amazing Blog Helps Your Digital Marketing Success   Your business blog can help you meet many of your corporate goals.  Your successful blog's content is key to increasing your companies visibility and reputation.  It's amazing how your...

Movie or Miniseries: What’s the Best Way to Share Information?

The post Movie or Miniseries: What’s the Best Way to Share Information with Your Readers? appeared first on ProBlogger.   This post is based on episode 149 of the ProBlogger podcast. So you’ve come up with a great idea for a blog post. It’s a great topic, has plenty...

How to Bring Discipline to Your Sustainability Initiatives *

Why Your Business Should Embrace Sustainability   Sustainability has become a part of life for many companies.  For many, it’s simply a matter of meeting demands from customers seeking socially responsible goods and services.  For others, it’s about...

Crushing website optimization in 3 easy steps *

What is the first thing you do when you need new SEO ideas? Our guess: Google. Yes, maybe you reach out to a referral network or a trusted colleague, but at some point, we’re willing to bet that there’s some search going on within that discovery process. Around 93% of...

Embrace Your Community Growth Using Social Media Branding *

Social Media Builds Your Brand Develop a Social Community Mindset To build a successful Social Media Community, you have to think like a community builder.  Throw out your old marketing ideas when it comes to Social Media Marketing.  You have to develop...

New data shows rise in online orders even after states reopen

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in a multitude of ways over recent months, and our everyday shopping habits are no exception. As widespread shelter in place orders went into effect, consumers were not able to pop into a store or go out to eat in the same...

How to Improve your email open rates

5 minute marketing strategies are brought to you by our Founder, award-winning ethical marketing strategist Sian Conway. Read and implement them on your coffee break to get better results from your marketing with these easy, proven tips! Easy ways to get more emails...

What Effect Can One Person Have to Make the World Green? *

What can One Person do to Make a Difference?   We all have to accept one basic truth.  A lot of the actions and behaviors that we take in our lives add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.  But it's not entirely our fault.  How we live today has...

Build a strong digital presence with a .online domain name

People are searching for local businesses and small businesses — just like yours — online. If they cannot find you there, then it’s a missed opportunity on your end, almost like having a “Closed” sign in front of your store. Fix that with a .online domain name. For...

A Step-By-Step Guide to Improving Business Processes

Business processes play a vital role in any organization. Effective processes streamline individual activities and improve overall efficiency. To become and remain successful, there needs to be a continuous focus on improving business processes to increase...

6 Best Practices for Purchase Order Management

Purchase orders play a key role in ensuring you have the goods and services you need to run and grow your business. And you likely already have a process in place to complete, send, and get them signed. But, while relying on a manual purchase order process may have...

The Secret to Writing Effective Sales Copy

The post The Secret to Writing Effective Sales Copy appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 105 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about writing sales copy. Now chances are you’d much rather write a blog post than try and sell...

Responsible Sustainability is Your Business Success Story

Business Has a Sustainability Role It's become accepted that business has a role to play in improving the environment and dealing with climate change.  What is undecided is how to do that, and for some, what actions are expected.  Generally, companies are comfortable...

How to Create an Automated Document Approval Workflow P

Organizations heavily depend on processes to get work done. Standard processes ensure that tasks like employee onboarding and procurement are completed in an efficient manner. But among the more time-consuming are document approvals. Certain documents, such as...

6 Business Process Improvement Examples to Boost Efficiency P

Most businesses could stand to improve their processes. It’s not that businesses are purposely choosing to run ineffectively, they just don’t realize where they could boost efficiency. For example, most organizations don’t realize that at least a third of activities...

How to Create Brand Loyalty in 5 Easy Steps P

You Can Easily Achieve Brand Loyalty   Customer loyalty is the key to your brand’s success.  That’s why companies work so hard to build their brand.  It’s all about creating loyal customers.  Some companies have a reputation that brings their customers back,...

How to support local businesses in the new normal

This article originally published on GoDaddy’s OpenWeStand.org website. Small businesses across the country have been drastically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Coronavirus Impact Poll, 70% of small...

Top-notch shipping tips for your online store

This post was originally published on Aug. 28, 2015, and was updated on Dec. 4, 2020. With a global pandemic causing massive disruption to brick-and-mortar businesses, many entrepreneurs are getting an emergency crash course in ecommerce. Along with that ecommerce...

Website Terminology Glossary: Website Design, Vol. 1 P

When you’re hustling, time is money and that money comes in coins, not bills. It’s why we made our Website Terminology Glossary for web pros. This free resource for designers, developers, marketers or anyone else makes it easier explaining technical stuff to clients....

6 marketing trends to watch for 2021

2020 was a chaotic year, especially when it came down to traditional marketing strategies. But while we saw plenty of business and marketing changes in 2020, it’s time to also look at new trends emerging for 2021. Here are six key marketing trends to watch for your...

7 Easy Steps to Starting Your Own Blog P

This post was originally published on Jan. 20, 2016, and was updated on May 2, 2017, Jan. 10, 2018, Nov. 28, 2018, Jan. 7, 2020, and Feb. 17, 2021. When I started blogging in 2009, the market wasn’t quite as saturated with blogs as it is today. There also weren’t as...

Ensure That Sustainability is Part of Your Business Plan

Inject Sustainability into Your Business Plan Sustainability will be handled differently for different companies.  Whether your company is a startup or an established company reevaluating your business plans matters.  You need to identify what the source of the...

How and why to host virtual parties for ecommerce businesses

Like any business, the key to success in selling your products in an ecommerce business is building relationships. If you have been looking for a way to connect with more customers, it might be a good idea to host virtual parties to generate interest and excitement in...

7 Ways to Build a Community Around Your Blog

The post 7 Ways to Build a Community Around Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 61 of the ProBlogger podcast. Last week I talked about building a community around your blog, and how it can benefit you as much as it can your readers....

Practically Green Changes Employee Behavior Via Video Games *

An Epiphany Led to Using Games for Training   Several years ago, Susan Hunt Stevens had an epiphany. "I had all these light bulbs go off in my head" about Web-based ways to help people reach their sustainability goals, the CEO of Practically...

5 places where you’d never expect to get hacked

For every gleaming new IoT device that hits the market, a hacker somewhere is figuring out how to compromise it. Today, even routine activities can land you in the sights of a bad actor. Imagine what a bad day could look like in these days of ubiquitous connectivity…...

The Problem with Purpose Washing P

Trigger warning: this post discusses suicide and mental health Today’s business leaders want to solve problems. There’s profit to be made in having a strong brand purpose. 64% of global consumers say they choose brands because of their stand on social issues, and 91%...

I received a Form 1099-NEC — what should I do? P

This post was originally published on Feb. 5, 2015, and was updated on April 2, 2018, March 27, 2019, Feb. 5, 2020 and Jan 29, 2021. The above content should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your...

How to Calculate the ROI of Workflow Automation

Like most big business decisions, implementing business process automation (BPA) involves taking a lot of moving parts into consideration. In addition to the capital investment required, integrating BPA means changing the way your organization operates, learning how...

How Denison, Texas, went digital in the COVID-19 era

A year ago, Elsie Russell watched as her home décor shop, 2 Chicks Home and Market, was heavily damaged by a fire that ripped through the 300 block of historic downtown Denison, Texas. “I just stood across the street with a crowd of people, watching it burn,” she...

Core web vitals and ways to improve on WordPress *

  You already know to put more focus on UX for better Google rankings of your web pages. Now, that’s more important than ever as Google prepares its May 2021 update for measuring Core Web Vitals. With this new Google update, web pages that fall within a specific...

With No Marketing Money, How do I Get New Customers?

We All Want to Get the Most Out of Our Marketing   It's understandable that small business owners want to get the most out of their marketing.  And they have to, if they want their business to survive.   Business owners main effort must be to build...

How Your Customer Service Has Become Your User Experience *

Is Your User Experience the Best it can be?   Am I Keeping Up With New Innovations? As a business owner you may ask yourself, “What is changing in customer service?”  It's a rhetorical question, but one that is always on your mind.  What could you be...

Your User Experience Embraces Your Business Philosophy

Company Philosophy Matters   Customer Experience is not a Department Working with a diverse group of partners and members has been an education, they all recognize the importance of customer service.  Not everyone grasps that customer service is just...

2nd Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Coming Up With Fresh Ideas

The post Second Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Coming Up With Fresh Ideas appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 84 of the ProBlogger podcast. In last week’s post I talked about the different types of writer’s block I’ve suffered from over the...

Why do Your Customers do Business with You?

This post is shared from one of my favorite customer service gurus Shep Hyken, author of the The Shepard Letter Ten Reasons Why Customers Choose to do Business with You         “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” That quote...

14 questions to ask before designing your web site P

There was a time, early in my freelance days, when I gleefully accepted any client who came a-knockin’ at my door — no client screening or preliminary fact-finding recon necessary. However, I quickly learned that it pays to be selective, and moved to using a rigorous...

How to Develop and Sell Membership Website Subscriptions P

A 7-step process detailing how to develop, launch, and create a robust membership website subscription product that practically sells itself If you’re one of the hundreds of magazine publishers who are still giving away your magazine content, it’s probably time to...

Opt-in Email’s Build Your Digital Marketing Strategy Lists

What is Opt-in Email?   Opt-in email  is a term used when someone is given the option to receive email.  Typically, this is some kind of mailing list, newsletter, or advertising.  Without obtaining permission before sending email, the email is...

Pinterest vs Instagram for Marketing Your Business

PINTEREST VS INSTAGRAM FOR MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS PLATFORM USERS As of Q4 in 2021, Pinterest had 444 million monthly active users worldwide, with 89 million from the U.S. Pew Research found that Pinterest ranked fourth in audience size after YouTube, Facebook and...

Business Hosting: Cheat Sheet P

Business Hosting is the best of both worlds: web hosting simplicity, plus VPS power without needing to hire a server admin or IT pro. Scalability for your business — and revenue With plans that grow with you, Business Hosting offers the power to welcome a tidal wave...

5 New Things for Your Business Website and Marketing in 2020

So much has happened between kids going back to school and the leaves turning brilliant colors getting ready for the winter. The most exciting thing was our customer event on September 29. If you missed it or if you’d just like another chance to watch the sessions,...

Make Your Web Content Accessible for Auditory Disabilities

Auditory Disabilities Many developers don't think about individuals who are deaf when they think of web accessibility. For too many developers, web accessibility consists of adhering to a few guidelines that ensure accessibility to screen readers for the...

10 Steps to Get Your Site Properly Indexed by Google

If Google Doesn't Index Your Site, You're Invisible If Google doesn’t index your website, then you’re pretty much invisible.  To the rest of the world your site doesn't even exist.  You won’t show up in any search queries, and you have almost no chance of...

How Can You Personalize and Drive Your Social Media? *

Why Being Personable Is the Key to Your Social Media Success   There are many things on Social Media that successful brands do right.  Or at least differently than others.  Those that succeed find their own unique path to success.  The one thing they...

Making the most of Miami’s micro-business economy

For the last five years, Dan Grech has been teaching entrepreneurs in Miami how to use the internet to grow their businesses. His clients are as eclectic as the city itself, ranging from long-established restaurants and hip new bakeries in need of a digital presence...

How Does Keyword Intent Drive Your Visitor Searches? *

Learn How Keyword Intent Can Boost Your Conversion Rate   What is Keyword Intent?   Keyword intent is a representation of the user’s purpose for the search.  It’s what we think the user is likely to do during a search since we can't be sure.  Keyword...

Create Brilliant Blog Post Titles to Attract and Engage Visitors P

Create Your Working Title   It’s wonderful to write great content, but it’s also important to get it read and ranked.  That’s why making your title memorable is so key to having it found during searches.  Titles are what sell’s your content. Titles represent your...

13 Ways to Lower Your Blogs Bounce Rate, and Why it Matters

Your Bounce Rate Measures Your Marketing Effectiveness   The bounce rate for a web page is an Internet marketing term used in web traffic analysis.  The bounce rate represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave or "bounce"...

How to Use Digital Marketing to Make Your Email Awesome

5 Ways to Make Your Email More Awesome   Let’s begin by saying that email marketing hasn’t changed much in the past 20 years.  However in 2020 during the COVID pandemic, tremendous opportunities still exist to improve your email marketing results.  A late 2018...

How Much Do Your Customers Trust You?

This post is shared from one of my favorite customer service gurus Shop Hyken, author of the The Shepard Letter   Do Your Customers Trust You This Much? Some of you may or may not know that I perform magic. Not real magic. When I was a kid I did birthday party...

COVID19 – How to Approach Blogging Through This Crisis

The post 280: COVID19 – How to Approach Blogging Through This Crisis appeared first on ProBlogger.   Full Transcript Expand to view full transcript Compress to smaller transcript view Hey there friends, it’s Darren Rowse from ProBlogger here. Welcome to episode...

Your Business Success Story is Embracing Sustainability

Your Business Has a Sustainability Role   It’s become accepted that business has a role to play in improving the environment and dealing with climate change.  What is undecided is how to do that, and for some, what actions are expected.  Generally, companies are...

How you can increase your average order value

When you have an ecommerce store you are always looking for new ways to convert customers and increase your average order value (AOV). Your AOV is pretty much what it states, the average order value of all the orders placed in your store. By increasing your AOV you...

Free email templates for recommending website security

Once a website gets launched, security can be an afterthought. According to a report last year from Sucuri, about 15% of people who build websites for clients don’t ever mention website security. Some 6% don’t bring it up until after the site gets published....

How “Self-Liquidating Premiums” Can Help Close the Sale P

This type of promotion pays for itself, when you start using self-liquidating premiums Kim Mateus • February 9, 2021   An effective technique in digital content marketing is “self-liquidating premiums”—having the value of premiums exceed the entire purchase price...

15 Tips to Hook Readers into Your Blog P

With so many blogs out there (not to mention all the other types of websites), you’ve only got a few seconds to convince a first-time reader that yours is worth coming back to. So how do you do that? By hooking them quickly with your blog’s design and content. And...

12 Affiliate Marketing Tips Help You Monetize Your Blog *

The post 12 Tips for Affiliate Marketing to Help You Monetize Your Blog appeared first on ProBlogger. This post is based on episode 51 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week’s post is all about affiliate marketing – one of the many ways you can make money blogging. I’ll...

11 Quick Tips for Writing Compelling Blog Posts P

To make sure your blog posts are really interesting you need to get attention and maintain interest. To maintain your interest, I’ve kept this article short and sharp while also including links to further reading. These are tips you can keep coming back to in future...

Your Customer Surveys are the New End to the Work You do P

It’s Amazing What Comes Up in a Conversation About Customers   I was at a Winter Park Bloggers & Social Media Meetup and while waiting for the program to begin was chatting with several other members.  Being business owners we were discussing customer service...

How to Make Your Website Compliant for Accessibility?

How Web Accessibility Compliance Matters to the Disabled     What Does Web Accessibility Mean to the Disabled?   Most of us are familiar with how Accessibility applies to physical business places.  However, little thought has been given to how...

Your Social Media Posts Aren’t Word of Mouth Marketing *

Social Media Dominates the Conversation   Whether on social media or through word of mouth, next week's sales are driven by this week's conversations about your brand.  The best way to grow your business is to help your customers do it for you.  ...

Business vs. personal credit cards — How to choose your best option

The information contained in this blog is provided for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an endorsement or advice from GoDaddy on any subject matter. For business owners, understanding business vs. personal credit cards is key. It...

What is a meta description? P

This post was originally published on June 11, 2019, and updated on March 22, 2021. What is a meta description, exactly? If you’re creating a website from scratch and using a standard website builder, you might see a space available for a meta description on every...

Don’t Let Tiny Clickable Links Ruin Your Sites Usability *

Don't Use Tiny Clickable Link Areas   Hyperlinks are designed to be clicked to access more information, so make them usable.  It just makes sense to ensure that they’re easy to click.  Here’s an example of links that are far too small; clicking them...

You Need to Know the 3 Words Your Customer Experience Needs

Your Customer Experience has to Engage, Inform and Enlighten   It doesn't really matter what industry your business is in.  Your customer experience has to grab attention.  Your business has to operate almost as if it's an entertainment brand.  After...

How to successfully integrate webinars into your sales funnel

When the COVID-19 pandemic started wreaking havoc on small business owners, all I could think about was how much I wished I had more systems in place to earn additional income. If you’re anything like me, you too have been thinking a lot about how to increase your...

How Email Makes Your Content the Digital Marketing King! *

Email Helps Make Your Content King!  Email Energizes Your Content Marketing Strategy   A dedicated digital marketer will send out an email marketing campaign or work on a content piece for future Email Marketing while they wait for their coffee to...

How to Sales Prospect in the Age of Digital Relationships

A Sales Relationship Used to Begin With a Smile and Handshake   Two components of reliable relationship building in sales used to be a smile and a handshake.  Things have certainly changed in the digital world.  So many of today's interactions take...

Boost your customer conversion rate by responding to reviews

A recent study revealed 78 percent of consumers appreciate management responding to their reviews. Simply replying to reviews, both positive and negative, can increase both your customer conversion rate and revisits. 9 out of 10 customers now see online reviews. Cone...

Memorable Remarkable and Relatable Word of Mouth Marketing *

Word of Mouth Marketing Defined   According to the Business Dictionary, Word of Mouth Marketing is:   "An oral or written recommendation made by a satisfied customer to the prospective customers of a good or service.  Considered to be the most...
Copywriting Tips for Your Small Business

Copywriting Tips for Your Small Business

  1. Focus on Benefits: When writing copy for your small business, it’s important to focus on the benefits to the customer rather than just listing the features of your product or service. Customers want to know how your business will make their life easier, less...

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Pinterest vs Instagram for Marketing Your Business

PINTEREST VS INSTAGRAM FOR MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS PLATFORM USERS As of Q4 in 2021, Pinterest had 444 million monthly active users worldwide, with 89 million from the U.S. Pew Research found that Pinterest ranked fourth in audience size after YouTube, Facebook and...

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How to Build a Culture of Community on Your Blog

How to Build a Culture of Community on Your Blog

How to Build a CULTURE of Community Let me start by repeating the advice I gave last week that building community and reader interaction on a blog takes time. It won’t happen over night but develops day by day. It is also something that YOU need to take the lead in as...

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What happens when a search is done?

When someone does an internet search they use a search engine, either Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo or one of the others.  

Google is the most widely used search and two of Google’s top ranking factors for any website are LINKS and  CONTENT.  

Let’s examine each factor, see how it affects your website, and how IAA Better Business Alliance membership will help your business stand out and be found by new customers eager to use your business.

Search Engines Love Links

Most businesses, including yours fall within the seven leisure categories of Stay, Dining, Play, Events, Exploring, Shopping and Services.  The IAA Better Business Alliance’s Community of websites help your business to connect with the customers who are interested in one or more of these categories.  Let’s look at how this works if your business is a Bed & Breakfast.  

Customers you want to connect to could be visiting your area because of activities, destinations, or services which are close to your Bed & Breakfast.  Your business profile on the BBA website and our community of websites allows you to establish links back to your site from the activities, destinations and services near your business.  By helping potential customers satisfy their “needs” you give search engines many new ways to help customers find your business.

  • STAY     For Example, if your business is a Bed & Breakfast, then the STAY category would be your              PRIMARY category.

  • DINING     If your B & B has an onsite restaurant your business could also belong in the DINING category.

  • PLAY    Your B & B business may be close to activities like whitewater kayaking which would give you a listing in the PLAY category.

  • EVENTS      Your B & B may also host meetings, weddings or elopements so your business would also belong in the Events category.

  • EXPLORING     If your business is close to natural or historic sites, this could mean a listing in the EXPLORING category.  

  • SHOPPING    Proximity to terrific Flea / Farmers Markets or Outlet Malls would include your B & B business in the SHOPPING category.  

  • SERVICES     Providing catering for Events would mean that you should include your B & B business in the SERVICES category.

Search Engines Love Links!

As you can see it could be quite easy to develop a wide variety of LINKS feeding back to your website that would have a high relevance to your site.  Each Link provides an additional path by which a search could find your website.  

An added bonus for you is that search engines love links and rank your website according to the number and relevance of the other websites linking back to your site.  

Membership in the Better Business Alliance and your membership in the associations, alliances, and organization members of the BBA provides you with a unique, innovative and honest method to control and develop links that search engines love when they rank your business website in their searches.

Search Engines Love Content!

Content Marketing is king when it comes to any Digital Marketing Strategy.  It’s central to your Digital Marketing and is a crucial element of everything you do.  Your content needs to be unique, authentic and quality while also being interesting, useful and entertaining for consumers.  What makes content king?.  

Here are 5 reasons why is content king!

  • Good Content is Great for Search Engine Optimization
  • Good Content Encourages Customer Engagement
  • Good Content Generates Leads and Sales
  • Good Content Increases the Value of Your Product / Services
  • Good Content Increases Traffic

Can you afford 27 Cents / Day to make your Digital Marketing Strategy Better?

Your business profile on the IAA Better Business Alliance website and our community of websites allows you to establish links back to your site from the activities, destinations and services near your business.  By helping potential customers satisfy their “needs” you give search engines many new ways to help customers find your business.  For as little as 27 cents / day, you can make your Digital Marketing Strategy work better.

Membership in the IAA Better Business Alliance, is an inexpensive and unique way to help new customers find your business.  

IAA Better Business Alliance Membership is a small investment with big rewards and includes membership in Accessibility International, and Sustainability International.

The new customers that you desire, want to patronize businesses that operate honestly and ethically and that care about people and our environment.

Get started for FREE, set up your IAA Better Business Alliance profile TODAY.

IAA Better Business Alliance

Set up your FREE profile TODAY or Become a Charter Member and receive a 50% discount on your membership.

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