by International Associations | Design
Don’t Use Lengthy Registration Forms Anything you require your visitors to do, creates a barrier between you and them. Think about what your response is when you are asked to complete a form with lots of questions. Either you ignored it and clicked away or...
by International Associations | SEO
Your Meta Description Must Grab SEO Attention The meta description attribute is supported by most major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo. Google will fall back on this tag when information about the page itself is requested through a...
by International Associations | Business
How Can You Make Your Business More Personable? Merriam Webster defines personable as pleasant or amiable in person. That’s a goal that all of us hope we achieve. After all, everyone wants to be liked, and it’s especially important for your business to...
by International Associations | Design
11 Common Web Design Blunders to Avoid You have to wonder, with all the websites on the Internet, and hundreds if not thousands more created every day. What does it take to create a good website? Building a website can be difficult itself, but the bigger...
by International Associations | Marketing
Customer Service is About Expectations I’ve spent my career working in several diverse industries. From the oil fields, through new home sales, new home construction, real estate sales, mortgages, and insurance. The common thread that binds all of my...