by International Associations | Customer Service
Your Business Needs an Amazing User Experience to Thrive In a hyper competitive digital marketing world does your User Experience cost you money? For your business to not only survive, but to thrive you must have a proactive digital Customer Experience. Your...
by International Associations | Customer Service
Your Gift Should not be to Satisfy the Valentine Obligation Valentine’s Day is the day when we send our spouses, partners, and loved ones a gift. Often these are sent out of a feeling of obligation. I know a few people that if they don’t get their spouse some...
by International Associations | Blogging
Is Your Job Done When You Publish Your Blog Post? You take the time to write a great new post for your blog, you’ve researched, speculated. agonized, edited, spell checked, polished, re-edited several more times, and made your post look pretty…. Then you hit...
by International Associations | Customer Service
We all Love Someone on Valentines Day February 14 is Valentine’s Day. This is traditionally the day we express our love for our spouses, significant others, loved ones, etc. We may buy them gifts, send flowers or enjoy a special meal to celebrate. In most cases...
by International Associations | Blogging
Let’s Look at How I Write an Amazing Blog Series I’ve previously discussed why a blogger should consider writing a series of blog posts. Today, I’d like to turn my attention to how I do it. When I develop a series of posts on my blog, my workflow...