by International Associations | Customer Engagement
Your Gift Should not be to Satisfy the Valentine Obligation Valentine’s Day is the day when we send our spouses, partners, and loved ones a gift. Often these are sent out of a feeling of obligation. I know a few people that if they don’t get their spouse some...
by International Associations | Customer Experience
Your Business Needs an Amazing User Experience to Thrive In a hyper competitive digital marketing world does your User Experience cost you money? For your business to not only survive, but to thrive you must have a proactive digital Customer Experience. Your...
by International Associations | Marketing
2020 was a chaotic year, especially when it came down to traditional marketing strategies. But while we saw plenty of business and marketing changes in 2020, it’s time to also look at new trends emerging for 2021. Here are six key marketing trends to watch for your...
by International Associations | Marketing
Over the past few months, Microsoft Advertising has been piloting an exciting new platform, Microsoft’s Digital Marketing Center, a Microsoft Garage project. This platform is a way to help small and medium-sized business owners manage their digital marketing across...
by International Associations | Email Marketing
How many hours each week do you spend emailing clients? Once recent study from CNBC suggests the average worker commits more than five hours a day to tapping away at emails. That’s a lot of time you could get back — and at GoDaddy Pro, we’re all about taking back...