by International Associations | Social Media
It’s a Fight to the Death! You’re in a fight , and it’s your brand vs. your competitors and your business survival at stake. The old rules don’t apply anymore because today it’s a 24/7 battle to beat your competition and and serve...
by International Associations | Marketing
Company Philosophy Matters Customer Experience is not a Department Working with a diverse group of partners and members has been an education, they all recognize the importance of customer service. Not everyone grasps that customer service is just a small part...
by International Associations | Marketing
Landing Pages Capture Leads and Grow Your Email Lists Capture Leads Using Diverse Landing Page Types For the purposes of online marketing, a web page which appears as a result of a web search is commonly referred to as a landing page. You may also reach a...
by International Associations | Marketing
Limited Budgets Hamper Small Businesses It’s just a given that small businesses have limited resources for their marketing budgets. Because of this their limited funds as well as their time and other resources, must be used judiciously. Two of the most common...
by International Associations | Business
Why You Need a Customer Bill of Rights Your company “Creed” is a brand promise that is simple, concise and easily understood by both employees and customers. A Brand Promise lays out generally what customers can expect when they deal with your...