Create eye-catching content with Over by GoDaddy

When it comes to driving growth online, small business owners know that simply “being there” isn’t enough. They need to get noticed and keep customers’ attention — whether that’s on social media, a website or in an email. But finding the time and tools to create a...

What are website platforms?

When it comes to starting your own website, there are a lot of different terms you might learn about, like website platforms, hosting, content management systems and more. In fact, it might all seem confusing or overwhelming. You’re probably even curious as to why you...

6 Best Practices for Purchase Order Management

Purchase orders play a key role in ensuring you have the goods and services you need to run and grow your business. And you likely already have a process in place to complete, send, and get them signed. But, while relying on a manual purchase order process may have...

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