by International Associations | Business
This post was originally published on Nov. 29, 2016, and was updated on March 10, 2021. In the wild world of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get caught up in the chase of customers and dollars. Everyone is ready and willing to tell you what ads you should be running or...
by International Associations | Blogging
With so many blogs out there (not to mention all the other types of websites), you’ve only got a few seconds to convince a first-time reader that yours is worth coming back to. So how do you do that? By hooking them quickly with your blog’s design and content. And...
by International Associations | Marketing
A 7-step process detailing how to develop, launch, and create a robust membership website subscription product that practically sells itself If you’re one of the hundreds of magazine publishers who are still giving away your magazine content, it’s probably time to...
by International Associations | Content Marketing
This type of promotion pays for itself, when you start using self-liquidating premiums Kim Mateus • February 9, 2021 An effective technique in digital content marketing is “self-liquidating premiums”—having the value of premiums exceed the entire purchase price...
by International Associations | Marketing
Landing pages are fickle. You can change the color of a button and it can increase conversion rates by 30% or more. You can change the headline on your landing page and see conversion rates tank. But landing page storytelling is dangerously simple. One thing that...