LinkedIn is the Largest International Business Network
LinkedIn, with over 500 million members, is the largest international business network. LinkedIn’s 820 million page views each day, allow it’s users to connect, contact, and network with your business contacts.
It’s crucial for you to engage your audience in a proactive manner. Social Media sites like LinkedIn play a crucial role in your marketing strategy and provide many benefits that help build you reputation, credibility and brand.
How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Business
Don’t make the mistake of just using social media for marketing. You strike gold when you make your social media content interesting and engaging for your audience. LinkedIn offers you many options to use your content to promote your business.
You can share your blog posts with your LinkedIn network. LinkedIn also gives you the option to post content in multiple locations. You can post your blog posts on your LinkedIn profile page, on your business page, on your focus page and on LinkedIn groups.
You also have the option to re-publish your blog post’s on LinkedIn’s Content Network, LinkedInPulse.
How You Should Share Your Posts on LinkedIn
- Share your blog post with an image and link to your post.
- Your comments should be personal and engaging.
- How-to postings perform best for views, likes, comments, and shares.
- List posts perform almost as well as How-to posts.
- Posts with images perform better than text only posts.
- Ask questions to encourage engagement with your post.
- Share your blog post on your focus page at different times, with varied comments.
- Your LinkedIn post should be less than 600 characters.
- Only the first 463 characters are displayed on your pages.
- Updates in your stream show your post and the first 238 characters of your comment.
- Share your blog post on your profile at various times, vary your comments.
- Share your blog post on your business page at different times, personalize your comments.

What Are the Best Times to Post on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn users are most likely to read your post in the early morning hours before work and after work in the late afternoon.
- Post in the morning between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
- Post in the afternoon between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.
- Thursday posts get the most average total views, followed by Sundays.
How Frequently Should You Post on LinkedIn?
- Your initial promotion should be a single blog post.
- Post recurring updates to your profile once a week during the first month.
- Subsequently post every 3-4 month on your profile, but not on your page.
- Post to your business page, using different times and days.
- Post to your focus page,using different times and days.
- Post your blog content in groups, use comments appropriate to the group.
- Target your audience and post on different times and days.
- Re-publish your blog content on LinkedIn Pulse.
How to Extend Your Social Media Reach by Posting Branded Images
We've all heard the expression that "a picture is worth a thousand words." That has never been truer than in the today's digital world. Do you want to extend your content's reach across social media and the World Wide Web? To do that you need to create shareable images that people love to share.
Visual content is increasingly important for blogging as well as for posting on social networks. Posts with images or videos are much more likely to get attention than posts with just plain text.
Sharing your posts images successfully will extend the lifetime of your post and will also have an impact on your visibility in the search engines. Design your images with links to share on your social media platforms. This will give you more possible search hits and backlinks to your blog.
Sharing your blog post images on social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, and others will multiply the reach for each of your blog posts. For the best results your images should be produced in different sizes to work best for specific applications on the different social media platforms that you use.

How to Maximize Your Branded Images Social Media Reach
- Crystalknows: Crystal gives you personality information for those you contact, coaching you to help get their attention, win their trust, and earn their business.
- LeadFuze: Leadfuze gathers contact information then sends automatic personal emails and follow-ups.
- helps you see real time information from social networks as you browse.