Compose Your Blog Post Outline to Organize Your Content

Outline Your Blog Post


Outlining my blog post is when I list the main points I want to teach someone in my post.  It doesn’t require a lot of writing here.  It’s normally just the main points in a Word document on my computer. During this process I am examining the identified problem, brainstorming answers to the questions and solutions for the problem.  


Your Outline Steps Solve Your Readers Problem


This involves outlining the steps a reader must follow to solve their problem or master a new skill.  It’s like building your post’s skeleton, where you will add the muscle at a later time.  Many of the bullet points I create become subheadings in my completed post.  


Develop Your Post Headings and Subheadings


By developing the main sections and then the subheadings for each section, your post begins to take shape.  If I have more points than I’ll use in my finished post.  I’ll begin to remove the less relevant points which allows me to focus on the most important things that I want to say.


Arrange Your Points Into Their Logical Order


Now I’ll take a little time to arrange the remaining points into the most logical order.  Many bloggers seem to skip this step.  However, sorting your information into a logical order is a very important step.  

You need the points you cover to each build on the information provided by the preceding section.  This will make a noticeable difference to the readability and quality of your finished post.


Critique Your Completed Blog Post Outline


With your outline finished, it’s a good time to ask some questions you may have about your developing post.  Will my readers find my post informative and useful?  After people finish reading the post will they still have questions?


Don’t Wait Until Your Blog Post is Completed


Now is the time to ask these questions.  Instead of waiting until you have finished writing the entire post.  Then if you find that there are possible gaps or weak ideas in your post, you can take the time to do the additional research which may be required.



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